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Friday, November 30, 2012

Honey cookies / Medenjaki

Honey cookies

70 dag of all-purpose flour
30 dag of granulated sugar
25 dag of butter or margarine
1 ½ teaspoon cinnamon
3 eggs
3 teaspoon baking soda or baking powder
3 tablespoon of honey
1 lemon zest

Preheat oven to 175°C (347°F).

Combine the ingredients and knead dough until well combined. Roll dough into balls or roll the dough and cut it into desired shape. We can also place walnut halves onto each cookie before baking.
Bake cookies for 10-15 minutes.

We can glaze cookies with either chocolate or sugar glaze.

Chocolate glaze:
5 dag of chocolate
5 dag of butter

Sugar glaze:
10 dag powdered sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 spoon boiled water


70 dag moke
30 dag sladkorja
25 dag margarine/ masla
1 ½ žličke cimeta
3 jajca
3 male žličke sode bikarbone ali pecilnega praška
3 žlice medu
limonina lupina

Zamesi testo, naredi kupčke ali ga razvaljaj in oblikuj z modelčki. Namaži s stepenim jajcem in na vrh polagaj orehe. Peci na peki papirju v predhodno ogreti pečici (cca. 175-180°C) cca. 10-15 minut oz. dokler ne porumenijo.

Pečene medenjake lahko prelijemo s čokolado ali s prelivom za medenjake.

Čokoladni preliv:
5 dag čokolade
5 dag masla

Sladkorni preliv:
10 dag mletega sladkorja
1 žlica limoninega soka
1 žlica vroče vode

Avtor slik: Vanille
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Nutella Macarons/ Nutellini makroni

Macarons and Nutella?? Best combination ever!

Les Macarons, Je les adore!!!.Vraiment!
I tried them for the first time in France, in Grenoble.. My friend told me about them, how deliciously good they are, she kept telling me I have to try them...I believed her..so..being in France and all ofcourse I couldn´t go home without tasting them... alors..we went into the first pâtisserie and finally I was holding my first macaron in my hand..and OUI délicieux!! Je l´aime! Je l´adore!!
Finally I decided to make my own macarons...Oui they were deliciously good...well not so perfect on the outside..but they taste good!!  Hopefully with practice they´ll look better-  :)

Chocolate Macarons with Nutella Mousse


Makes 20 very small macarons

Chocolate macarons:
o    110 grams almond meal (you can make your own using blanched slivered almonds)
o    200 grams minus 2 Tbs powdered sugar
o    2 Tbsp cocoa powder
o    100 grams egg whites (3-3 1/2 large eggs), aged in the fridge for 3-5 days (I only left them overnight; not sure how necessary this step is)
o    50 gm granulated sugar

Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper or a silicone baking mats.

If you’re using almonds: place in food processor and pulse until finely chopped.

If you’re using almond meal: run through a sifter. Place in food processor.

Add powdered sugar and cocoa powder to food processor and pulse a few times until everything is incorporated. Set aside.

In a large bowl, beat the egg whites for a few minutes until they are foamy. Place mixer on low and slowly add the granulated sugar to the foamy egg whites. Continue beating until egg whites have stiff peaks.

Add the dry ingredients to the egg whites and fold them in with a spatula. Fit a large round tip (I used one that is 1 1/2 inches)onto a piping bag and place a clip above it so batter won’t flow out while you fill the bag. Place the bag on a tall glass to hold it up and fill it with the batter. Twist the top shut and remove the clip. 

Pipe small circles (I made them 1/2-1 inch) onto the prepared baking sheets.

Let batter rest for around 45 minutes, until it feels dry (and not sticky) to the touch. In the meantime, preheat your oven to 300°F.
Bake for 12 minutes. Check to see if macarons are done by grabbing the top of one macaron and trying to shake it. They are done when the top barely slides against the skirt. If they are not done, extend baking time by two minutes intervals, checking after each extension. Remove from oven and let cool completely before adding filling.

Nutella mousse:
o    ½ cup of heavy cream
o    2 oz bittersweet chocolate
o    3 Tbsp Nutella

In a small saucepan, heat heavy cream over low-medium heat. Meanwhile, place chocolate and Nutella in a medium heat-proof bowl. When heavy cream reaches a simmer, remove from heat and pour over chocolate and Nutella. Let sit for 20 seconds, then whisk until ganache is smooth.

Place ganache in the refrigerator for 30-45 minutes, until it has thickened but is still pourable. Beat ganache until it lightens in color and becomes more fluffy like a mousse.

Pair up macarons of the same size. Pipe or spoon a little Nutella mousse onto one cookie. Place the other cookie on top and press down gently.

Store macarons in the refrigerator. Let sit out for 30 minutes at room temperature before serving.

Photos: Kaja J

Makroni z nutello

 Za okoli 20  makronov.

110 g mandljeve moke (mletih mandeljev)
200 g  sladkorja v prahu (odvzamemo 2 žlici)
2 žlici kakava v prahu
100 g beljakov (cca. 3- 3 1/2 jajc), priporočajo, da uporabimo vsaj 24-48h starane beljake
50 g sladkorja

Nutellina krema:
125 ml sladke smetane
60 g temne čokolade/jedilne čokolade

3 žlice nutelle

Pečemo na peki papirju ali silikonski podlagi.
Če imamo cele mandelje, jih najprej fino zmeljemo.
Če imamo mandljevo moko, jo presejemo, da odstranimo trde delce.

Z električnim mešalnikom zmešamo mandljevo moko, sladkor v prahu ter kakav v prahu. 

V drugi skledi stepemo jajčne beljake, da postanejo penasti. Električni mešalnik prestavimo na majhno hitrost in postopoma  dodajamo sladkor, dokler iz beljakov ne dobimo čvrst sneg.
Suhe sestavine počasi vmešamo v sneg (z žlico).  


Nato napolnimo vrečko, s pomočjo katere nabrizgamo kupčke na peki papirju. 
Nabrizgane kupčke pustimo stati na zraku vsaj 45 minut. Na otip morajo biti suhi in ne smejo spremeniti oblike.
Pečico predhodno ogrejemo na 150°C in pečemo cca. 12 minut.

Pečene makrone odstranimo s peki papirja, ko se popolnoma ohladijo (papir nežno potegnemo z makrona). Ohlajene namažemo s kremo.

Nutellina krema:
125 ml sladke smetane
60 g temne čokolade/jedilne čokolade
3 žlice nutelle

Na majhni ponvi na srednjem ognju segrejemo smetano. 
Medtem damo čokolado in nutello v skledo, odporno na toploto. Ko smetana zavre, jo odstavimo z ognja ter jo prelijemo čez čokolado in nutelo. Pustimo stati 20 minut, nato dobro zmešamo, da dobimo gladko maso. Zmes postavimo v hladilnik za 30-45 minut, da se strdi. Zmes postane svetlejša in penasta. 

Podobne makrone namažemo ter jih stisnemo skupaj. 
Pripravljene makrone hranimo v hladilniku, pred serviranjem jih pustimo stati na sobni temperaturi za okoli 30 minut. 
Foto: Kaja J