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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas cookies with Nutella / Božični piškoti z Nutello


Christmas cookies with Nutella

Butter dough:
1 cup (8 oz) salted butter, softened
1/2 cup (4 oz) sugar
2 cups (10 oz) good quality, sifted all-purpose flour

Cream butter and sugar together, then add flour and mix until a dough forms.
Place the dough onto to a well-floured surface, and roll out to about 1/4" thickness.
Cut the dough into a desired shape.


Place the cookies on the baking sheet and bake in a 350°F oven for 8-10 minutes.
They should not start to brown.

Allow to cool completely, then pair off similar shaped cookies together,
placing the smoothest cookie on top. Spread half of the cookies with Nutella. Place cookie on top of each filled cookie.

Photographs by Vanille

 Božični piškoti z Nutello

(1 skodelica ustreza volumnu 250 ml.)

1 skodelica zmehčanega masla
½ skodelice sladkorja
2 skodelice namenske moke

Zmešamo maslo in sladkor, da postane gladko in penasto. Dodamo moko in zgnetemo v gladko testo. Testo razvaljamo na debelino cca. 0,5 cm in oblikujemo z modelčki.

Pečemo na peki papirju v predhodno ogreti pečici na 175°C okoli 8-10 minut. Piškote ne smemo preveč zapeči.
Polovico piškotov namažemo z Nutello, na katere nato položimo ostale nenamazane piškote.
Piškote lahko okrasimo s čokoladnim desertnim prelivom (sladki greh).


Avtor slik: Vanille