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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Bounty" Chocolates / Bounty čokoladice


Homemade »Mounds« or »Bounty« chocolates

makes over 2 dozen chocolate logs or 4 dozen balls

4 oz (one stick) salted butter, softened
6 oz (2 1/4 cups) confectioner's sugar
8 oz (2 3/4 cups) shredded coconut
1/2 tsp vanilla
8 oz good quality dark chocolate

Cream butter and sugar. Add coconut and vanilla, and mix until well incorporated.
Form into small logs or balls, and place on a wax paper lined tray.
Refrigerate for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, melt chocolate in the microwave at the defrost setting, or over double boiler.
When melted, using a fork or dipping tool, begin to dip each coconut shape into the chocolate.
Once completely coated, place back onto the wax paper lined tray, and if desired,
sprinkle the top with a little coconut. Repeat with the rest of the candies.

Keep the candies refrigerated, but remove at least one hour prior to serving.
They are fine at room temperature for a few days, as long as it's not too warm.

Source: http://christinascucina.blogspot.com/
Photographs by Vanille 

Domače »Bounty« čokoladice

113 g zmehčanega masla
170 g sladkorja v prahu
227 g nastrganega kokosa
½ čajne žličke vanilije
227 g črne čokolade

Zmešamo maslo in sladkor v prahu, dokler ne postane gladko. Dodamo kokos in vanilijo ter vse dobro premešamo. Oblikujemo majhne kvadratke ali kroglice ter jih postavimo na peki papir. Damo v hladilnik za 20 minut.
Medtem stopimo čokolado na vodni kopeli. Z vilico ali palico vsak kvadratek/kroglico pomočimo v čokolado, ga/jo postavimo nazaj na peki papir (zato da se ne sprime) ter potrosimo s kokosom. Čokoladice hranimo v hladilniku.  


Vir: http://christinascucina.blogspot.com/
Avtor slik: Vanille