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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Raffaello snowmen / Raffaello snežaki


Raffaello balls
Recipe 1

25 dag sugar
1 dl water
½ of butter (125 g of butter)
25 dag powdered milk
20 dag dried shredded coconut

Combine sugar and water in a pot and boil, then add butter till it melts down. Turn off the heat, add powdered milk and coconut and stir them in. Leave in the refrigerator to cool. Roll 1 inch balls with your palms , placing an almond in the center of each ball, and then roll the balls in leftover shredded coconut.

Raffaello balls
Recipe 2 with vanilla pudding

2 vanilla pudding
12 dag butter
10 dag dried shredded coconut
5-6 tbsp sugar
½ l milk

Combine milk and butter in a pot and boil. Mix the rest of the ingredients and stir them in milk and butter like pudding. Leave in the refrigerator to cool. Roll 1 inch balls with your palms , placing an almond in the center of each ball, and then roll the balls in leftover shredded coconut.

fondant or marzipan
food colours
chocolate granules for eyes and buttons or you can draw them with food colours

To make a snowman we need two raffaello balls of different size. We use the larger ball for the body and the smaller for the head. Then thread them onto a skewer or toothpick.


For eyes and buttons:
-      use chocolate granules or
-      make them from fondant or marzipan or
-      simply draw them with food colours.

For the nose:
-      use the fondant or marzipan, dye it to orange using food colour
-      break the top of the skewer/toothpick off and push it to the nose to anchor it between the eyes

For scarf and hat:
-      use the fondant or marzipan
-       colour them into a desired colour

We draw the mouth with black food colour.

Photos by Vanille & M.S.

Raffaello snežaki 


Raffaello kroglice 1 

25 dag sladkorja
1 dl vode
½ masla (125 g masla)
25 dag mleka v prahu
20 dag kokosa

Sladkor in vodo skuhamo, da zavre, dodamo maslo, da se stopi. Dodamo mleko v prahu in kokos. Maso pustimo, da se malo shladi, nato iz mase oblikujemo kroglice (za oreh velike) in jih povaljamo v kokosu. V sredino damo olupljene mandelje.


Raffaello kroglice 2  z vanilijevim pudingom


2 vanilijeva pudinga

12 dag masla

10 dag kokosa
5 - 6 žlic sladkorja
1/2 l mleka

V polovici mleka zavremo maslo, ostale sestavine zmešamo in zakuhamo kot puding v mleku z maslom.
Pustimo, da se ohladi, nato damo za nekaj časa v hladilnik. Oblikujemo kroglice in jih povaljamo v kokosu.


Dekoracija snežakov:

- fondan ali marcipan
- prehrambena barva
- čokoladne mrvice za oči in gumbe
- zobotrebci

Priprava snežakov:
Za snežaka potrebujemo dve kroglici Raffello različne velikosti. Skozi večjo kroglico zapičimo zabotrebec, nato pa nanj zapičimo drugo kroglico, ki je glava. 


Za oči in gumbe uporabimo čokoladne mrvice, lahko jih naredimo tudi iz fondana ali marcipana. Korenček za nos naredimo iz fondana ali marcipana, ki smo ga pobarvali oranžno. Vrh zobotrebca (cca. 1 cm) odlomimo, polovico zabodimo v nos, drugo polovico pa na del med očmi. Šal in kapo naredimo iz fondana ali marcipana, ter ju z malo vode zalepimo na snežaka. S pomočjo črne barve narišemo usta.




Vir: Hrana in vino (št. 10, december 2008)
Avtor slik: Vanille & M.S.