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Sunday, November 23, 2014
Pumpkin Nutella Bundt Cake (Or Muffins) / Bučkin šarkelj z nutello
1:02 PM
1 cup {canned} pumpkin puree
1/2 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup canola oil {or melted butter, cooled}
1/3 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice {optional}
1/3 cup Nutella
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- In a mixing bowl, blend together the pumpkin, sugar, eggs, oil, water, and vanilla until combined. In another bowl, mix together the dry ingredients - flour, baking soda, salt, and pumpkin pie spice. Slowly add dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, mixing until smooth {make sure not to overmix}. Pour batter into the baking cups, until approximately 2/3 full.
- Put the Nutella into a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 20-30 seconds or until it thins out just enough to swirl. Using a spoon, drop a small spoonful or two of Nutella onto the top of each muffin or onto a bundt cake/ loaf and swirl using the tip of a knife.
- Bake the muffins for 18-22 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. If making the bundt cake increase baking time to about 45-60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
- You can also add Nutella to the center of the muffins instead of swirling on top. To do this, simply start with a layer of the pumpkin batter, followed by a dollop of Nutella. Then top with more pumpkin batter until 2/3 full.
- Bon appétit.
Source: http://www.simplyhappenstance.com/
The photos below present Piran - one of the towns in Slovenian Istra (a region in southwest of Slovenia).
Piran is situated at the tip of Piran peninsula on the Gulf of Piran. I took these photos not long ago on a sunny autumn day. The town has much medieval architecture, with narrow streets and compact houses. It was heavily influenced by the Venetian Republic, as seen on its architecture. The Piran town walls were constructed to protect the town from Ottoman incursions, many parts of the town walls from different eras remain. In the middle of the town is the Tartini Square, with a monument in memory of Guiseppe Tartini. On the hill above the town rises the Church of Saint George. From its lookout tower you have a wonderful view of Piran and its surroundings and all the way across the sea to the Croatian and Italian Coast.
The photos below present Piran - one of the towns in Slovenian Istra (a region in southwest of Slovenia).
Piran is situated at the tip of Piran peninsula on the Gulf of Piran. I took these photos not long ago on a sunny autumn day. The town has much medieval architecture, with narrow streets and compact houses. It was heavily influenced by the Venetian Republic, as seen on its architecture. The Piran town walls were constructed to protect the town from Ottoman incursions, many parts of the town walls from different eras remain. In the middle of the town is the Tartini Square, with a monument in memory of Guiseppe Tartini. On the hill above the town rises the Church of Saint George. From its lookout tower you have a wonderful view of Piran and its surroundings and all the way across the sea to the Croatian and Italian Coast.
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Piran, Slovenia |
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Piran, Slovenia |
1 skodelica = volumen 250 ml
1 skodelica bučkinega pireja
1/2 skodelice sladkorja
3/4 skodelice rjavega sladkorja
2 jajci
1/2 skodelice olja ali masla (stopljenega in ohlajenega)
1/3 skodelice vode
1 žlička vanilije
1 3/4 moke
1 žlička sode bikarbone
1/2 žličke soli
3 žličke mešanice začimb (cimet, ingver, muškatni orešček)
1/3 skodelice Nutelle
Pečico predhodno ogrej na 180 °C.
V prvi skledi zmešaj bučkin pire, sladkor, jajca, olje, vodo in vanilijo.
V drugi skledi zmešaj suhe sestavine- moko, sodo bikarbono, sol in mešanico začimb.
Tekoče sestavine dodaj k suhim sestavinam ter jih z žlico zmešaj v gladko zmes, vendar ne mešaj predolgo. Zmes vlij v pripravljen pekač.
Nutello stopi v mikrovalovni pečici (20-30 sekund) ali nad toplo kopeljo. Z žlico jo vmešaj v že pripravljeno zmes.
Šarkelj peci cca. 45-60 minut oziroma da je palčka ali nož, ki jo/ga zapičiš v testo razmeroma suh/-a (bučka testo naredi bolj vlažno, tako ne bo popolnoma suho). Mafine peci 18-22 minut.
Bučkin pire
Bučo olupimo, odstranimo semena in jo narežemo na majhne kose. Te stresemo v vrelo vodo ter jih kuhamo toliko časa, da se zmehčajo. Odcedimo, nekoliko ohladimo ter jih pretlačimo.
Vir: http://www.simplyhappenstance.com/
Bon appétit.
bučkin šarkelj
bučkini mafini
pumpkin bundt cake
pumpkin muffins
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