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Sunday, November 23, 2014
Pumpkin Nutella Bundt Cake (Or Muffins) / Bučkin šarkelj z nutello
1:02 PM
1 cup {canned} pumpkin puree
1/2 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup canola oil {or melted butter, cooled}
1/3 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice {optional}
1/3 cup Nutella
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- In a mixing bowl, blend together the pumpkin, sugar, eggs, oil, water, and vanilla until combined. In another bowl, mix together the dry ingredients - flour, baking soda, salt, and pumpkin pie spice. Slowly add dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, mixing until smooth {make sure not to overmix}. Pour batter into the baking cups, until approximately 2/3 full.
- Put the Nutella into a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 20-30 seconds or until it thins out just enough to swirl. Using a spoon, drop a small spoonful or two of Nutella onto the top of each muffin or onto a bundt cake/ loaf and swirl using the tip of a knife.
- Bake the muffins for 18-22 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. If making the bundt cake increase baking time to about 45-60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
- You can also add Nutella to the center of the muffins instead of swirling on top. To do this, simply start with a layer of the pumpkin batter, followed by a dollop of Nutella. Then top with more pumpkin batter until 2/3 full.
- Bon appétit.
Source: http://www.simplyhappenstance.com/
The photos below present Piran - one of the towns in Slovenian Istra (a region in southwest of Slovenia).
Piran is situated at the tip of Piran peninsula on the Gulf of Piran. I took these photos not long ago on a sunny autumn day. The town has much medieval architecture, with narrow streets and compact houses. It was heavily influenced by the Venetian Republic, as seen on its architecture. The Piran town walls were constructed to protect the town from Ottoman incursions, many parts of the town walls from different eras remain. In the middle of the town is the Tartini Square, with a monument in memory of Guiseppe Tartini. On the hill above the town rises the Church of Saint George. From its lookout tower you have a wonderful view of Piran and its surroundings and all the way across the sea to the Croatian and Italian Coast.
The photos below present Piran - one of the towns in Slovenian Istra (a region in southwest of Slovenia).
Piran is situated at the tip of Piran peninsula on the Gulf of Piran. I took these photos not long ago on a sunny autumn day. The town has much medieval architecture, with narrow streets and compact houses. It was heavily influenced by the Venetian Republic, as seen on its architecture. The Piran town walls were constructed to protect the town from Ottoman incursions, many parts of the town walls from different eras remain. In the middle of the town is the Tartini Square, with a monument in memory of Guiseppe Tartini. On the hill above the town rises the Church of Saint George. From its lookout tower you have a wonderful view of Piran and its surroundings and all the way across the sea to the Croatian and Italian Coast.
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Piran, Slovenia |
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Piran, Slovenia |
1 skodelica = volumen 250 ml
1 skodelica bučkinega pireja
1/2 skodelice sladkorja
3/4 skodelice rjavega sladkorja
2 jajci
1/2 skodelice olja ali masla (stopljenega in ohlajenega)
1/3 skodelice vode
1 žlička vanilije
1 3/4 moke
1 žlička sode bikarbone
1/2 žličke soli
3 žličke mešanice začimb (cimet, ingver, muškatni orešček)
1/3 skodelice Nutelle
Pečico predhodno ogrej na 180 °C.
V prvi skledi zmešaj bučkin pire, sladkor, jajca, olje, vodo in vanilijo.
V drugi skledi zmešaj suhe sestavine- moko, sodo bikarbono, sol in mešanico začimb.
Tekoče sestavine dodaj k suhim sestavinam ter jih z žlico zmešaj v gladko zmes, vendar ne mešaj predolgo. Zmes vlij v pripravljen pekač.
Nutello stopi v mikrovalovni pečici (20-30 sekund) ali nad toplo kopeljo. Z žlico jo vmešaj v že pripravljeno zmes.
Šarkelj peci cca. 45-60 minut oziroma da je palčka ali nož, ki jo/ga zapičiš v testo razmeroma suh/-a (bučka testo naredi bolj vlažno, tako ne bo popolnoma suho). Mafine peci 18-22 minut.
Bučkin pire
Bučo olupimo, odstranimo semena in jo narežemo na majhne kose. Te stresemo v vrelo vodo ter jih kuhamo toliko časa, da se zmehčajo. Odcedimo, nekoliko ohladimo ter jih pretlačimo.
Vir: http://www.simplyhappenstance.com/
Bon appétit.
bučkin šarkelj
bučkini mafini
pumpkin bundt cake
pumpkin muffins
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Wholewheat apple cinnamon muffins / Polnozrnati mafini z jabolki in cimetom
12:40 PM
They are chockfull of apples, scented with warm autumn spices and finished with irresistible crunchy brown sugar topping.
250 g whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
half of teaspoon baking soda
pinch of salt
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 egg
80 g brown sugar
1 vanilla sugar
250 g plain yogurt
125 ml milk
60 g butter (melted)
1 tablespoon rum
4-5 peeled, cored and finely chopped apples
You can also add more spices to the mixture like ground cloves, ground nutmeg etc.
Preheat the oven at 200 °C (392 °F).
Wash and peel the apples, then cut them into quarters and remove the core. Cut them into small cube pieces.
In a large bowl combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.
In a medium bowl mix the eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar, yogurt, milk, melted butter and rum. Slowly pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix until well incorporated. If the mixture is too dry you can add more milk.
Add chopped apples and using a spatula mix until all is well combined.
Drop batter into muffin cups.
You can also sprinkle the raw muffins with brown sugar.
Bake for 15-20 minutes at 200 °C (392 °F).
Bon appétit.
I love fall - the changing leaves, the colors, the hot tea & cocoa, the smell of cinnamon and the smell of apples in the oven, the sound of leaves falling off the trees...
I love taking long walks, observing changing nature..
The photos below represent Krma glacial Valley and Radovna Valley. They are both alpine valleys in the Julian Alps in the Upper Carniola region of Slovenia. There´s a nice cycling route along the Radovna Valley, or you can also go on a hike or even drive it by car. Krma Valley is the starting point for many hiking trails through the Triglav National Park area.
Polnozrnati mafini z jabolki in cimetom
250 g polnozrnate moke
2 žlički pecilnega praška
pol žličke sode bikarbone
1 ščepec soli
1 1/2 žličke mletega cimeta
1 jajce
80 g rjavega sladkorja
1 vanili sladkor
250 g navadnega jogurta
125 ml mleka
60 g stopljenega masla
1 žlica ruma
4-5 jabolk
Po želji lahko k suhim sestavinam dodamo začimbe, kot so mleti klinčki ali mleti muškatni orešček.
Pečico predhodno ogrejemo na 200 °C.
Jabolka umijemo, olupimo ter jih razrežemo na četrtine in odstranimo peščke. Nato jabolka na drobno sesekljamo.
V večji skledi zmešamo moko, pecilni prašek, sodo bikarbono, sol in cimet.
V manjši skledi zmešamo jajce, sladkor, vanili sladkor, jogurt, mleko, maslo in rum. Pripravljeno tekočo zmes vlijemo v skledo s suhimi sestavinami in mešamo tako dolgo, da dobimo gladko zmes.
Če je zmes pregosto, dodamo še malo mleka.
Dodamo še nasekljana jabolka ter zmešamo z žlico.
S testom napolnimo vdolbinice pekača.
Tako pripravljene mafine lahko po vrhu posujemo z malo rjavega sladkorja.
Pečemo 15-20 minut na 200 °C.
Bon appétit.
apple muffins
cinnamon muffins
jabolčni mafini
polnozrnati mafini
wholewheat muffins
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Tiramisu Macarons / Tiramisu makroni
7:15 PM

75 g almond meal
1 teaspoon of grounded coffee beans or instant espresso powder
115 g powdered sugar
2 large egg whites
50 g fine granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
For the filling:
115 g mascarpone cheese
1 tablespoon of Marsala or Sherry wine
25 g fine granulated sugar
2 tablespoon grated milk or dark chocolate
Add almond flour, grounded coffee beans or instant espresso powder and powdered sugar to food processor and pulse a for 15 minutes until everything is well combined. Sift into a clean bowl.
Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
In a large bowl beat egg whites until foamy. Gradually add fine granulated sugar until stiff peaks form.
Pour the dry ingredients into the bowl with egg whites. Using a spatula, fold the dry ingredients into the egg whites, until the batter is thick and lava-like. Do not overmix. The batter should slowly fall off your spatula when you pick it up.
Transfer batter to a piping bag fitted with a small round tip (1 cm/0,4 in wide).
Pipe about 32 small circles onto the prepared baking sheets. Once all the circles are piped out, slam the baking sheet against a flat stable surface to force any large air bubbles to the surface.
Then sift cocoa powder on the circles.
Let the piped macarons dry on the countertop for 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 160 °C/ 320 F.
Bake on the middle rack for 10-15 minutes.
Let cool completely on baking sheet before removing them.
To prepare the filling, using an electric hand mixer, beat together mascarpone cheese, marsala wine and fine granulated sugar until smooth and creamy.
Match macarons up into pairs of similar sizes. Pipe the filling onto the flat side of half of the macarons, sprinkle with grated chocolate and then top them with the other half.
Refrigerate in an airtight container overnight to let the flavor develop.
Bon appétit.
A while ago I went hiking in the Karavanke - a mountain range of the Southern Limestone Alps on the border between Slovenia and Austria. The photo below represent a central part of the Karavanke- the mountain massif Košuta -with one of its peaks: Veliki vrh (2088 m).
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Veliki vrh (2088 m), planina Kofce, Karavanke |
Tiramisu makroni
75 g mandljeve moke
1 ČŽ drobno strte kave v zrnu
115 g sladkorja v prahu
2 velika jajčna beljaka
50 g drobno mletega sladkorja
1 ČŽ kakava v prahu
115 g maskarponeja
1 JŽ marsale ali sladkega šerija
25 g drobno mletega sladkorja
2 JŽ nastrgane mlečne ali temne čokolade
Mandljevo moko, kavna zrna in sladkor v prahu stresite v mešalnik in mešajte 15 sekund. Presejte mešanico v skledo. Pripravite pekača in ju obložite s papirjem za peko.
V veliki skledi stepite beljaka v rahel sneg. Postopoma vtepajte drobno mleti sladkor, da dobite čvrsto, svetlečo beljakovo peno.
Mandljevo mešanico z lopatico vmešajte v beljakovo peno, tretjino za tretjino. Ko so vse sestavine temeljito vmešane, še naprej mešajte zmes, dokler ne dobite svetleče mase goste strukture.
Zmes vlijte v dresirno vrečko z gladkim nastavkom širine 1 cm.
Na pripravljena pekača nabrizgajte 32 majhnih krogov. S pekačem potolcite po delovni površini, da odstranite zračne mehurčke. Skozi sito posujte s kakavom v prahu. Pustite stati na sobni temperaturi 30 minut.
Ogrejte pečico na 160 °C.
V ogreti pečici pecite 10-15 minut. Po pečenju naj se penice ohladijo, nato pa jih pazljivo odlepite s papirja za peko.
Zmešajte maskarpone, marsalo in drobno mleti sladkor do gladkega. Polovico pečenih penic namažite z maskarponejevo kremo, jih posujte z nastrgano čokolado in pokrijte s preostalimi penicami.
Shranite jih v hladilniku v zaprti posodi.
Bon appétit.
tiramisu macarons
tiramisu makroni
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Wholewheat chocolate chip banana muffins / Polnozrnati mafini z banano in čokolado
12:39 PM
2 eggs
25 dag whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda (or 3 teaspoons baking powder instead)
10 dag unrefined brown sugar
1 package of vanilla sugar and 1 lemon sugar
1 tablespoon rum
1,5 dl plain yogurt
1 - 1,5 dl milk
4 dag softened butter
2 - 3 bananas
25 dag chocolate (or chocolate chips)
In a medium bowl mix the eggs and add sugar (brown, vanilla and lemon sugar). Add yogurt, softened butter and milk.
In a large bowl combine whole wheat flour, baking powder and baking soda. Using a spatula, mix until all the ingredients are combined.
Slowly pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Gently begin to fold it all together. If the mixture is too dry you can add more milk.
Fold in bananas (mashed or cut into small pieces) and chocolate chips. Drop batter into muffin cups.
Bake in the preheated oven (at 200°C) 15 to 20 minutes, or until a tooth pick inserted in the center comes out clean or with just a few crumbs.
If you like you can also add some crushed nuts into the mixture.
Bon appétit.
The photo below shows glacial lake Bohinj in Slovenia. It is located within the Bohinj Valley of the Julian Alps and it is part of Triglav National Park. It is the largest permanent lake in Slovenia. The other day I went hiking around the lake. There is a very nice and peaceful hiking trail around the entire length of the lake. I like to visit it several times of the year. :)
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Lake Bohinj, Slovenia |
2 jajci
25 dag polnozrnate moke
2 žlički pecilnega praška
1 žlička sode bikarbone (ki jo lahko nadomestiš s tremi dodatnimi žličkami pecilnega praška)
10 dag rjavega sladkorja
po 1 zavitek vanilijevega in limoninega sladkorja
žlica ruma
1,5 dl jogurta
1 do 1,5 dl mleka
4 dag zmehčanega masla
2-3 banane
cca. 25 dag čokoladnih koščkov
Jajci stepemo in dodamo vse vrste sladkorja. Dodamo jogurt, maslo in mleko. Posebej zmešamo moko s pecilnim praškom in sodo. To dodamo k prvi mešanici in vse skupaj dobro premešamo. Če se nam zdi masa pregosta (odvisno je od tipa moke), dodamo še malo mleka. Na koncu vmešamo še pretlačene ali na koščke narezane banane in koščke čokolade ter maso z žlico porazdelimo v jamice na pekaču za muffine. Pečemo približno 15-20 minut na 200°C.
Po želji lahko dodamo tudi oreščke (orehi, lešniki...) ali drugo sadje.
Bon appétit.
Friday, September 26, 2014
No Bake Rum balls / Rumove kroglice
11:28 AM

250 g of butter cookies
100 g powdered sugar
100 g dried shredded coconut
80 g cocoa powder (unsweetened)
200 g butter (soften)
4 tbsp. rum
For coating the balls:
80 g dried shredded coconut

2. Roll mixture into small balls and then coat them in coconut. Place the rum balls on a plate and they are ready to serve! :)
Makes about 50 balls.
If you like you can also add some crushed nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts..) into the mixture.
If the dough is too dry you can add a few spoons of milk, or also rum, if you want a stronger taste of rum.
Bon appétit. :)
Za pripravo rumovih kroglic ne potrebujemo ne kuhalnika ne pečice, dovolj je le hladilnik in multipraktik- pa še ta le, če se nam ne da drobiti priškotov z rokami.
100 g sladkorja v prahu
100 g kokosove moke
80 g kakava v prahu
200 g razmehčanega masla
4 žlice ruma
80 g kokosa
Maslo nekaj ur pred pripravo vzamemo iz hladilnika, da se ogreje in zmehča.
1. Kekse najprej zdrobimo, nato pa jih s pomočjo multipraktika zmeljemo v drobtine. Piškotine drobtine stresemo v skledo. Dodamo na koščke narezano maslo, sladkor, kokosovo moko, kakav in rum. Iz vsega ugnetemo testo, ki ga oblikujemo v kepo in za pol ure shranimo v hladilniku.
2. Iz ohlajene mase z rokami oblikujemo kroglice, ki jih povaljamo v kokosovih kosmičih, razporedimo na servirni krožnik in postrežemo.
Dodatni nasveti:
Po želji lahko v maso za kroglice vmešamo tudi mlete oreščke (lešniki, mandlji, orehi...).
Če je masa presuha lahko dodamo še nekaj žlic mleka ali tudi ruma, če si želiš bolj močan okus po rumu. :)
Bon appétit.
Vir: Okusno.je.
chocolate rum balls
coconut rum balls
kokosove kroglice
rum balls
rumove kroglice
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Chocolate coffee cake / Čokoladno-kavna torta
4:54 PM
I baked this cake in June for my grandma's birthday. :) For the filling I used vanilla cream on the first layer and coffee cream on the second. I covered the cake with melted chocolate and decorated with delicious rum balls.. It came out good! Especially the next day, when it was even more juicy :)
coffee cake
Mardi Gras fritters or beignet / Ocvrte miške
4:08 PM
Mardi Gras, also Fat Tuesday, and in Slovene we called it "Pustni torek", refers to events of the Carnival celebrations, beginning on or after the Epiphany or Kings day and culminating on the day before Ash Wednesday, and when eating richer, fatty foods is common, like doughnuts, fritters etc.
I know we are in the middle of the summer and far away from Mardi Gras, but these are really easy and fast to make, and sometimes you just need to treat yourself. :)
Round fritters, in Slovene we called them Mouse fritters, they are easy to make and delicious. You can also add some fruit if you like. My grandma often makes them for us when we visit her..Yummy!
Yogurt mouse fritters:
2 eggs
1 yogurt
1 package of vanilla sugar
1 package of baking powder
3 spoons of sugar
1 spoon of rhum
grated lemon zest
2 yogurt cup of plain flour
Yogurt mouse fritters with apple
1 yogurt
2 yogurt cup of plain flour
1 egg
half of package of baking powder
1 spoon of sugar
pinch of salt
some cinnamon
1 smaller apple
1 package of vanilla sugar
Ocvrte jogurtove miške
2 jajca
1 jogurt
1 vanili sladkor
1 pecilni prašek
3 žlice sladkorja
1 žlica ruma
naribana limonina lupina
2 jogurtova lončka moke
Ocvrte jogurtove miške z jabolkom
1 jogurt
2 jogurtova lončka moke
1 jajce
pol vrečke pecilnega praška
1 žlica sladkorja
ščep soli
1 žlica ruma
malo cimeta
1 malo jabolko
1 vanili sladkor
mardi gras
ocvrte miške
Friday, May 2, 2014
Chocolate chip sour cherry muffins
2:58 PM
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http://vanillebiscuit.blogspot.com/ |
250 g flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 eggs
110 g sugar
1 package of vanilla sugar
70 g yogurt
50 g melted butter
2 tablespoons rum
sour cherries
250 g chocolate chips
250 g moke
2 žlički pecilnega praška
1 žlička sode bikarbone
2 jajci
110 g sladkorja
1 vanili sladkor
70 g jogurta
50 g stopljenega masla
2 žlici ruma (ali po okusu)
višnje (cca. 1 vloženi kozarec)
250 g čokoladnih koščkov
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http://vanillebiscuit.blogspot.com/ |
...and vanilla & chocolate frosting on top. Yum! ![]() |
http://vanillebiscuit.blogspot.com/ |
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http://vanillebiscuit.blogspot.com/ |
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http://vanillebiscuit.blogspot.com/ |
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