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Thursday, October 2, 2014
Tiramisu Macarons / Tiramisu makroni
7:15 PM

75 g almond meal
1 teaspoon of grounded coffee beans or instant espresso powder
115 g powdered sugar
2 large egg whites
50 g fine granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
For the filling:
115 g mascarpone cheese
1 tablespoon of Marsala or Sherry wine
25 g fine granulated sugar
2 tablespoon grated milk or dark chocolate
Add almond flour, grounded coffee beans or instant espresso powder and powdered sugar to food processor and pulse a for 15 minutes until everything is well combined. Sift into a clean bowl.
Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
In a large bowl beat egg whites until foamy. Gradually add fine granulated sugar until stiff peaks form.
Pour the dry ingredients into the bowl with egg whites. Using a spatula, fold the dry ingredients into the egg whites, until the batter is thick and lava-like. Do not overmix. The batter should slowly fall off your spatula when you pick it up.
Transfer batter to a piping bag fitted with a small round tip (1 cm/0,4 in wide).
Pipe about 32 small circles onto the prepared baking sheets. Once all the circles are piped out, slam the baking sheet against a flat stable surface to force any large air bubbles to the surface.
Then sift cocoa powder on the circles.
Let the piped macarons dry on the countertop for 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 160 °C/ 320 F.
Bake on the middle rack for 10-15 minutes.
Let cool completely on baking sheet before removing them.
To prepare the filling, using an electric hand mixer, beat together mascarpone cheese, marsala wine and fine granulated sugar until smooth and creamy.
Match macarons up into pairs of similar sizes. Pipe the filling onto the flat side of half of the macarons, sprinkle with grated chocolate and then top them with the other half.
Refrigerate in an airtight container overnight to let the flavor develop.
Bon appétit.
A while ago I went hiking in the Karavanke - a mountain range of the Southern Limestone Alps on the border between Slovenia and Austria. The photo below represent a central part of the Karavanke- the mountain massif Košuta -with one of its peaks: Veliki vrh (2088 m).
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Veliki vrh (2088 m), planina Kofce, Karavanke |
Tiramisu makroni
75 g mandljeve moke
1 ČŽ drobno strte kave v zrnu
115 g sladkorja v prahu
2 velika jajčna beljaka
50 g drobno mletega sladkorja
1 ČŽ kakava v prahu
115 g maskarponeja
1 JŽ marsale ali sladkega šerija
25 g drobno mletega sladkorja
2 JŽ nastrgane mlečne ali temne čokolade
Mandljevo moko, kavna zrna in sladkor v prahu stresite v mešalnik in mešajte 15 sekund. Presejte mešanico v skledo. Pripravite pekača in ju obložite s papirjem za peko.
V veliki skledi stepite beljaka v rahel sneg. Postopoma vtepajte drobno mleti sladkor, da dobite čvrsto, svetlečo beljakovo peno.
Mandljevo mešanico z lopatico vmešajte v beljakovo peno, tretjino za tretjino. Ko so vse sestavine temeljito vmešane, še naprej mešajte zmes, dokler ne dobite svetleče mase goste strukture.
Zmes vlijte v dresirno vrečko z gladkim nastavkom širine 1 cm.
Na pripravljena pekača nabrizgajte 32 majhnih krogov. S pekačem potolcite po delovni površini, da odstranite zračne mehurčke. Skozi sito posujte s kakavom v prahu. Pustite stati na sobni temperaturi 30 minut.
Ogrejte pečico na 160 °C.
V ogreti pečici pecite 10-15 minut. Po pečenju naj se penice ohladijo, nato pa jih pazljivo odlepite s papirja za peko.
Zmešajte maskarpone, marsalo in drobno mleti sladkor do gladkega. Polovico pečenih penic namažite z maskarponejevo kremo, jih posujte z nastrgano čokolado in pokrijte s preostalimi penicami.
Shranite jih v hladilniku v zaprti posodi.
Bon appétit.
tiramisu macarons
tiramisu makroni
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