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Saturday, October 4, 2014
Wholewheat apple cinnamon muffins / Polnozrnati mafini z jabolki in cimetom
12:40 PM
They are chockfull of apples, scented with warm autumn spices and finished with irresistible crunchy brown sugar topping.
250 g whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
half of teaspoon baking soda
pinch of salt
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 egg
80 g brown sugar
1 vanilla sugar
250 g plain yogurt
125 ml milk
60 g butter (melted)
1 tablespoon rum
4-5 peeled, cored and finely chopped apples
You can also add more spices to the mixture like ground cloves, ground nutmeg etc.
Preheat the oven at 200 °C (392 °F).
Wash and peel the apples, then cut them into quarters and remove the core. Cut them into small cube pieces.
In a large bowl combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.
In a medium bowl mix the eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar, yogurt, milk, melted butter and rum. Slowly pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix until well incorporated. If the mixture is too dry you can add more milk.
Add chopped apples and using a spatula mix until all is well combined.
Drop batter into muffin cups.
You can also sprinkle the raw muffins with brown sugar.
Bake for 15-20 minutes at 200 °C (392 °F).
Bon appétit.
I love fall - the changing leaves, the colors, the hot tea & cocoa, the smell of cinnamon and the smell of apples in the oven, the sound of leaves falling off the trees...
I love taking long walks, observing changing nature..
The photos below represent Krma glacial Valley and Radovna Valley. They are both alpine valleys in the Julian Alps in the Upper Carniola region of Slovenia. There´s a nice cycling route along the Radovna Valley, or you can also go on a hike or even drive it by car. Krma Valley is the starting point for many hiking trails through the Triglav National Park area.
Polnozrnati mafini z jabolki in cimetom
250 g polnozrnate moke
2 žlički pecilnega praška
pol žličke sode bikarbone
1 ščepec soli
1 1/2 žličke mletega cimeta
1 jajce
80 g rjavega sladkorja
1 vanili sladkor
250 g navadnega jogurta
125 ml mleka
60 g stopljenega masla
1 žlica ruma
4-5 jabolk
Po želji lahko k suhim sestavinam dodamo začimbe, kot so mleti klinčki ali mleti muškatni orešček.
Pečico predhodno ogrejemo na 200 °C.
Jabolka umijemo, olupimo ter jih razrežemo na četrtine in odstranimo peščke. Nato jabolka na drobno sesekljamo.
V večji skledi zmešamo moko, pecilni prašek, sodo bikarbono, sol in cimet.
V manjši skledi zmešamo jajce, sladkor, vanili sladkor, jogurt, mleko, maslo in rum. Pripravljeno tekočo zmes vlijemo v skledo s suhimi sestavinami in mešamo tako dolgo, da dobimo gladko zmes.
Če je zmes pregosto, dodamo še malo mleka.
Dodamo še nasekljana jabolka ter zmešamo z žlico.
S testom napolnimo vdolbinice pekača.
Tako pripravljene mafine lahko po vrhu posujemo z malo rjavega sladkorja.
Pečemo 15-20 minut na 200 °C.
Bon appétit.
apple muffins
cinnamon muffins
jabolčni mafini
polnozrnati mafini
wholewheat muffins
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