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Thursday, December 24, 2015
4:13 PM
Božanski medenjaki
3:31 PM
Recept za odlične medenjake, ki so mehki in sočni. Res so božanski! :)
Jaz dodam več začimb :) Odličen okus doda mešanica začimb za medenjake, ki jo lahko kupite v trgovini. Medenjake lahko prelijete s čokolado, sladkorno glazuro, okrasite z orehi itd.
50 dag moke
kavna žlička sode bikarbone
15 dag sladkorja v prahu
15 dag masla
2 jajci
15 dag segretega in ohlajenega medu
ščep cimeta
čokolada za preliv, orehi itd.
Zamesimo testo in ga pokritega s folijo položimo v hladilnik za 1 uro.
Nato oblikujemo kroglice.
Pečemo cca. 10-12 min (odvisno od debeline piškotov, vendar ne predolgo, da ne bodo piškoti pretrdi, ko se shladijo) na 180°C.
Bon appétit.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Raw Hazelnut Chocolate Brownies / Presne čokoladno-lešnikove kocke
2:01 PM
1 1/2 cup hazelnuts
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
1/3 cup dried, unsweetened coconut
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
2 cups dates, pitted and coarsely chopped
1 or more tablespoons of water, if needed
In food processor, blend hazelnuts, cacao, coconut, and cinnamon until finely ground.
Add dates, 1/4 cup at a time, processing after addition until well blended. Add optional vanilla and process until combined.
Press mixture in an 8 x 8 pan, top with topping and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Cut into small squares.
1/2 cup hazelnuts
1/4 cup dried, unsweetened coconut
2 teaspoons coconut oil, melted
Pulse all in a food processor until coarsely chopped.
Bon appetit.
The photos bellow present glacier valley Vrata, Triglavska Bistrica stream and the Peričnik waterfall. I visited this place in October, when the leaves were of different colours and falling off the trees like rain (a mild wind has contributed to this)..It was just so magical!
Vrata is a glacial valley cut in at the base of the majestic Triglav North face (Triglav is with its elevation of 2864 metres the highest mountain in Slovenia and the highest peak of the Julian Alps.). Vrata has been a popular hiking, mountaineering and tourist destination. You have a splendid view of a Triglav North Wall, just a few-minute walk from the parking lot in front of "Aljažev dom" hut. There are several natural attractions to see here, such as The Peričnik waterfall, the Galerije, the amphitheatre-shaped head of the Vrata valley, You can take a walk along the marked "Triglavska Bistrica" path, which runs from Mojstrana to "Aljažev dom" hut (10 km, 3 hours).
The Peričnik Fall is one of the most stunning and well known in Slovenia. Its waters drop 16 metres down the first ridge from where it then descends 52 metres down the bottom waterfall. In winter both waterfalls turn into innumerable icicles and floes in delicate shades of blue and green.
Vrata is a glacial valley cut in at the base of the majestic Triglav North face (Triglav is with its elevation of 2864 metres the highest mountain in Slovenia and the highest peak of the Julian Alps.). Vrata has been a popular hiking, mountaineering and tourist destination. You have a splendid view of a Triglav North Wall, just a few-minute walk from the parking lot in front of "Aljažev dom" hut. There are several natural attractions to see here, such as The Peričnik waterfall, the Galerije, the amphitheatre-shaped head of the Vrata valley, You can take a walk along the marked "Triglavska Bistrica" path, which runs from Mojstrana to "Aljažev dom" hut (10 km, 3 hours).
The Peričnik Fall is one of the most stunning and well known in Slovenia. Its waters drop 16 metres down the first ridge from where it then descends 52 metres down the bottom waterfall. In winter both waterfalls turn into innumerable icicles and floes in delicate shades of blue and green.
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Glacial valley Vrata, Triglavska Bistrica stream & The Peričnik Fall |
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The Peričnik Fall |
Presne čokoladno-lešnikove kocke
1 1/2 skodelice lešnikov
1/2 skodelice kakava v prahu
1/3 skodelice kokosove moke (nesladkane)
1 1/2 žlice cimeta
1 žlica vanilije
2 skodelici dateljnov, izkoščičenih in narezanih na koščke
1 ali več žlic vode, če je potrebno
V mešalniku/multipraktiku zmešaj lešnike, kakav, kokos in cimet.
Dodaj dateljne, 1/4 skodelice na enkrat, ter mešaj tako dolgo, da so vse sestavine dobro zmešane.
Dodaj še vanilijo ter zmešaj, da se le-ta porazdeli.
Mešanico potisni na dno pekača, velikosti 20 x 20 cm, povrhu dodaj še posip ter postavi v hladilnik za 1 uro.
Razreži na majhne kocke.
1/2 skodelice lešnikov
1/4 skodelice nesladkane kokosove moke
2 žlici kokosovega olja, stopljenega
Vse sestavine zmešaj v multipraktiku.
Bon appetit.
raw brownies
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Over-Mura moving cake / Prekmurska gibanica na hitro
8:36 PM
This excellent, juicy Over-Mura moving cake or Prekmurian layer cake (Prekmurska gibanica in slovene) is a special cake made in eastern Slovenia (Prekmurje). Made out of poppy seeds, walnuts, apples, raisins and cottage cheese, it is considered a Slovene national culinary specialty. It prides itself with European recognition of Traditional Speciality Guaranteed. It is centuries old. The oldest written source reaches as far back as the year 1828.
I am posting a quick and easy version of the recipe for Prekmurska gibanica. The individual layers are not so visible and esthetic as in the cake made from the original recipe, but this cake is also as delicious and juicy as the original one.
The original recipe is more demanding and also takes more time, but if you´ll ever have that extra time available I recommend you to try out also the original recipe. Here is a link to the original recipe for Prekmurska gibanica or Prekmurian layer cake (also known as Over-Mura moving cake):
The ingredients are divided into 6 different groups, each represents one, two or three layers in the final cake.
2 yogurt cups of plain flour
1 yogurt cup of sugar
1 package of baking powder
1 package of vanilla sugar
Mix all the ingredients and divide them into 3 equal parts.
1 sweat cream (0,5 l)
0,5 kg cottage cheese
1 egg
0,5 yogurt cup of sugar
Mix all the ingredients and divide them into 2 equal parts.
1 kg grated apples with some cinnamon
Divide into 2 equal parts.
10 dkg ground poppy seeds
25 dkg ground walnuts
3 eggs
0,5 l milk
Mix together.
Cover your tray with a baking foil (it makes it easier to get the cake out).
Put the ingredients into tray in order as written bellow.
You have to poke the dough with a fork or a toothpick so the liquid (written under F) will spread inside.
Do the layers in this order: A, B, C, D, E, A, C, B, A, F (pour it over the dough).
Bake for 35-45 minutes at 392°F.
Bon appetit.
Prekmurska gibanica na hitro
2 jogurtova lončka moke
1 jogurtov lonček sladkorja
1 pecilni prašek
1 vanilij sladkor
Zmešaj sestavine in razdeli na 3 dele.
1 sladka smetana
0,5 kg skute
1 celo jajce
0,5 lončka sladkorja
Zmešaj in razdeli na 2 dela.
1 kg naribanih jabolk, malo cimeta
Razdeli na 2 dela.
10 dkg maka
25 dkg mletih orehov
3 cela jajca in 0,5 l mleka zmiksaš.
Maso nadevamo v pekač v plasteh, ki so navedene spodaj, in prešpikamo na več mestih tako, da se tekočina pod F, ki jo polijemo čez, vpije v maso.
Pečemo 35-45 minut na 200°C.
tekočina pod F
ali (A, B, C, D, E, A, C, B, A, F)
Bon appetit.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Poppy cake with lemon frosting / Makov biskvit z limonino kremo
1:03 PM
I love this recipe! Easy to make and so delicious.. Poppy, lemon & chocolate :) yum!
4 eggs
2 yogurt cups of sugar
1 yogurt cup of oil
2 yogurt cups of plain flour
1 package of baking powder
1 ygourt cup of milk
10 dag ground poppy seeds
1/2 l milk
4 tbsp strong flour
250 g butter
250 g caster sugar
2 packages of vanilla sugar
fresh lemon juice from 1 lemon
dark chocolate for the glaze
Preheat oven to 347°F.
In a bowl mix egg yolks and 1 yogurt cup of sugar. Add ground poppy seeds and oil and mix. Gradually add flour and baking powder, alternating with milk.
In another bowl mix the egg whites until they are foamy. Then slowly add the other yogurt cup of sugar. Continue beating until egg whites have stiff peaks.
Add beaten egg whites to the first mixture and fold them in with a spatula.
Bake at 347°F for about 20 minutes.
For the frosting combine strong flour and milk in a pot and boil. Let it cool down.
Beat the butter and sugar until creamy, add vanilla sugar and lemon juice. Beat in the cool mixture of flour and milk.
Spread frosting over cooled cake.
Melt chocolate and spread it on top.
Bon appetit.
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Bled, Slovenia |
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Bled, Slovenia |
Makov biskvit z limonino kremo
4 jajca
2 jogurtova lončka sladkorja
1 jogurtov lonček olja
2 jogurtova lončka moke
1 pecilni prašek
1 jogurtov lonček mleka
10 dag mletega maka
1/2 l mleka
4 žlice ostre moke
250 g masla
250 g mletega sladkorja
2 vanilijeva sladkorja
sok 1 limone
jedilna čokolada za preliv
Pečico predhodno segrej na 175°C.
Rumenjake stepemo z enim lončkom sladkorja. Dodamo mlet mak in olje, ter dobro zmešamo. Postopoma dodajamo moko s pecilnim praškom in mleko.
Beljake stepemo z drugim lončkom sladkorja v čvrst sneg.
Le-te z žlico vmešamo v prvo mešanico.
Pečemo cca. 20 minut na 175°C.
Za kremo v mleku zakuhamo ostro moko in ohladimo. Maslo stepemo s sladkorjem, dodamo vanilijev sladkor in sok ene limone. Nato dodamo še ohlajeno kuhano maso. Namažemo po ohlajenem biskvitu in prelijemo s stopljeno čokolado.
Bon appetit.
lemon frosting
limonina krema
makov biskvit
poppy cake
Monday, January 5, 2015
Happy New Year 2015!
12:38 PM
May every day of the new year glow with good cheer and happiness for you & your family.
Happy New Year 2015!
Srečno in zdravo leto 2015!
Pudding Rum Cake / Pijana nevesta
12:11 PM
For the cake:
2 eggs
9 tblsp sugar
9 tblsp milk
9 tblsp oil
9 tblsp flour
1 package baking powder
4 tblsp cacao powder
For the topping:
1 dcl milk
0,3 dcl rum
2 or 3 packages of vanilla pudding
1l or 1,5l milk
Preheat oven to 350 °F.
In a mixing bowl beat eggs and sugar. Add milk and oil. Mix until well blended.
In a large bowl combine flour, baking powder and cacao powder.
Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix until well incorporated.
Bake for about 20 minutes.
Pour 1 dcl milk and 0,3 dcl rum onto warm cake.
Prepare the pudding and then pour it over the cake.
As the pudding cools down, you can add some whipped cream on top and sprinkle with cacao.
Or you can just sprinkle cacao on a still warm pudding.
You can also add some fruit (sour cherries..) into pudding or cake.
Bon appetit.
Jezersko is located in the remote Kokra valley in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps (a mountain range of the Southern Limestone Alps). It was named after a big glacial lake that started to disappear after an earthquake in 1348. Today you can admire lake Planšarsko jezero, a little heart-shaped lake, which was made by local inhabitants in memory of that larger glacial lake that had drained away. There is plenty to do in the region, like skating on the frozen lake in winter, or boating in summer; hiking, cross-country skiing, mountain climbing, horseback riding, cycling etc. You can quench your thirst with Magnesium-rich water ("Jezerska slatina"), enjoy your view at the Čedca waterfall and the Ankovo waterfalls, or visit the travertine quarry and plenty more. I love coming here several times in the year.
Jezersko is located in the remote Kokra valley in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps (a mountain range of the Southern Limestone Alps). It was named after a big glacial lake that started to disappear after an earthquake in 1348. Today you can admire lake Planšarsko jezero, a little heart-shaped lake, which was made by local inhabitants in memory of that larger glacial lake that had drained away. There is plenty to do in the region, like skating on the frozen lake in winter, or boating in summer; hiking, cross-country skiing, mountain climbing, horseback riding, cycling etc. You can quench your thirst with Magnesium-rich water ("Jezerska slatina"), enjoy your view at the Čedca waterfall and the Ankovo waterfalls, or visit the travertine quarry and plenty more. I love coming here several times in the year.
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Jezersko |
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Kamnolom lehnjaka (Travertine quarry) |
Pijana nevesta
2 jajca
9 žlic sladkorja
9 žlic mleka
9 žlic olja
9 žlic moke
1 pecilni prašek
4 žlice kakava v prahu
1 dcl mleka
0,3 dcl ruma
2 ali 3 vrečke vanilijevega pudinga
1 l ali 1,5 l mleka
Pečico predhodno ogrej na 180 °C.
Zmešaj jajca in sladkor, nato dodaj še mleko in olje.
V drugi skledi zmešaj moko, pecilni prašek in kakav. Tekoče sestavine prilij k suhim in dobro zmešaj.
Peci cca. 20 minut na 180 °C.
Še topel biskvit prelij z 1 dcl mleka in 0,3 dcl ruma.
Skuhaj 2 ali 3 vrečke pudinga v mleku in ga nato polij čez pečen biskvit.
Ko se puding ohladi, lahko namažemo še s stepeno smetano.
Še topel puding lahko posipamo tudi s kakavom v prahu.
Še topel puding lahko posipamo tudi s kakavom v prahu.
V puding ali biskvit lahko daš tudi sadje (npr. višnje).
Bon appetit.
pijana nevesta
pudding rum cake
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